Indulge in 17 Black, a novice whisky inspired by chance but carefully created, never leaving taste to fate...
Crafted with utmost precision, 17 Black is a blended whisky sourced from the finest casks in Scotland. The essence of this extraordinary liquid lies in the careful selection of 17-year-old malt whiskies from two of Scotland's most iconic whisky regions – Speyside and Orkney. Each cask chosen for this blend is a testament to the artistry of our master blender, Max McFarlane.
17 Black invites you to savour the alluring aromas and flavours, showcasing the dedication that goes into every bottle. Whether you're a seasoned connoisseur or a novice adventurer in the world of whisky, allow the golden allure of 17 Black to guide you on a journey inspired by fate and shaped by craftsmanship. Share in the beauty left by the angels, and embrace the spirit of chance, carefully captured in every sip.
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